Poetic Resurrection Podcast S2 Recap

PR Podcast S2 RecapThanking all our guests and listening audience for joining us for Season Two of the Poetic Resurrection Podcast.

  1. Jaclyn Steele—Soul of Connection we discuss the Soul Connection and how our soul’s calling intertwines our lives, beliefs, and our connection with others.
  2. Alex Greenwood—Soul of Mystery We laugh, joke, and discuss the soul of writing mysteries.
  3. Trini Rodriquez—Soul of Healing We discuss Native American and Mexican American sweat-lodges and how this brings you closer to your soul.
  4. Che’Rae Adams—Soul of Writing We discuss what it takes to write a good story and how the story germinates from the soul. That inner voice drawing us to write our story.
  5. Ian Brooks—Soul of Intention We had a lively discussion on the process of intention. How the pandemic, perceptions, and beliefs affect our lives and how we can change the characters we created in our story.
  6. Jonathan Troen—Soul of Self-Love We have a lively conversation about the Self-Love Revolution.
  7. Martin Espada—Soul of my Father A reading of Letter to My Father and how it affected him. We discussed historical events and perceptions of Puerto Rico and its people in this heartfelt interview.
  8. Joachim Brackx—Soul of Self We discuss the self and how our perceptions play an important part in compassion, self-love, and acceptance.
  9. Rick White – Soul of Understanding We have a great discussion about grief, life, illness and acceptance of self, our value, and how life changes.
  10. Samuel Ashe II – Soul of Giving we discuss how our experiences teach us to help ourselves and others.
  11. Melissa Da Silva – Soul of a Relationship We discuss Her journey from a toxic relationship to self-acceptance, love, and grieving of love lost.
  12. Charlie Sheldon – Soul of Storytelling We discuss his journey from Yale to being a fisherman to writing his books.
  13. Andrew Seaton – Soul of You We discuss spiritual awakening and how it’s simple.
  14. Louise Alexandra Erskine—Soul of Imperfection We discuss toxic relationships, parenting, and being a single mother raising boys and how her poetry and photography clarified and taught her acceptance of being imperfect.

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