
When I was a ten-year-old child in Chicago there was a woman whose husband would physically and mentally abuse her.  Sometimes I would catch her crying in the stairsteps. It was heartbreaking and I remember wishing I could help her.

She is the subject of this poem.

You can also see the video on YouTube – Forget also available in Spanish on YouTube – Olivide


Sometimes I can’t remember: often, actually

The times I ran out and said nothing to you

The times I was angry and pretended to be okay

The times I didn’t come home at night


Sometimes I can’t remember: often, actually

When your anger lashes out at me

When you drank too often and hurt me

When you disappeared into an aberrant abyss of time


Sometimes I do remember: often, actually

Your cruel words that hurt

Your desire to touch that repulses

Your anger at who you’ve become


I remember and choose to forget

Do you love? As those you love are hurt

Do you know the emergency room—a second home?

Do you understand—Inner scars show more than ones I wear?


Sometimes I can’t remember: often, actually

The raising of happy children here

The life we thought was possible

The comfort of a safe loving home


Sometimes I can’t remember: often, actually

How—reality needs exposure

How—I’ve always remembered

How—lights slowly dim on you