Colors of Life – Animism & Possessions

Animism & PossessionsWhile cleaning and decluttering, I wondered why we give our mental power to possessions? Why is it so difficult to let go of items? Will we need it later? Was it a gift from a loved one? Did we have a moment of weakness and buy an expensive item that we don’t use? Is it because we have given it a soul/spirit? Wikipedia states, “Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Potentially, animism perceives all things-animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather system, human handiwork, and perhaps even words-as animated and alive.” Can this be the reason it’s difficult to let go? I wonder. There’s so much we don’t understand beyond what we can see. Animism has had different meanings throughout the anthropologic field. These beliefs have existed in many indigenous religions and currently adapted into some New Age beliefs.

But I digress back to clutter. I feel I have given power to objects because of a memory of where I bought it, who I was with, or it warmed my heart even for a moment. There’s a vast industry in decluttering possessions, so I will not cover it here. Marie Kondo states “Tidying is the act of confronting yourself”. I have to agree. Once it goes into a donation box, trash or save. I don’t look at it again because I will start taking items out. Have I given away possessions that I needed later-yes, years later? In the meantime, I’ve used valuable real estate to store something I might use. Sometimes I forget what I have bought and buy it again. I had three tape measures. I only needed one. “Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination.” Christina Scalise. Yes, I agree with this as well. I’ve walked into a room and have been overwhelmed by the amount of sorting of items in boxes that need to be completed. I just closed the door and said I’ll deal with it another day.

My home is quite stylish. I love decorating. It’s something I picked up when I studied interior design in college and then worked at interior design companies. I guess what I’m looking for is minimalism. Every time I give something away, I’m happy I have one less thing. In the past, I enjoyed having many items because I felt the stuff hugged me. Sad but true. Now I want it clear—empty. So, have I been practicing Animism? I don’t know, but if we give our possessions so much weight, then maybe we’re all practicing this. “The question of what you want to own is also the question of how you want to live your life”. Marie Kondo.

“The greatest freedom is to be free of our own mind.”
— Osho

The poem for this week is Place from Inspire Me: Raw.

Home—I pride myself
Its warmth—inviting—peaceful
My tranquility

Living room—spacious
It’s calming and welcoming
Drawn to entertain

Bedroom—quiet space
Flourishing sanctuary
Trance captivation

Paper, file drawers overflow
Technology too

My mind—the office
Filled with useless memories
Obsolete systems

Yet I still cling
Time and fear. Recollections
Relinquishing thoughts

Inner voices guide
Mantra’s deafening echoes
Let go, let go—now!

Get a copy of Inspire Me Raw

Listen to the Poetic Resurrection Podcast here or at PR Podcast

For further reading on Animism

Clean Soul by Kevin MacLeod