Awakening Dreams – Overwhelmed Yet Excited

In this episode of Awakening Dreams, we discuss being overwhelmed yet excited. Have you ever wished for a certain situation to happen, be it a career, family event, or a relationship, only to be overwhelmed when it does? There’s excitement there to see how a dream is materializing and then the overwhelmed button seems to turn on just when you feel your life is going your way. Is it because we’re not prepared? Can it be that we anticipated a different scenario? What we perceive is just that—a perception.
This happened to me lately. As an actor, you want more opportunities to audition. More auditions equal more possibilities of booking a job. Got a new agent, and I assumed the experience I have had in the past, would continue. It didn’t. I’ve been going out on many auditions. It’s so exciting to audition and book one or two here and there. Great! I love it!

The situation of feeling overwhelmed happened when I didn’t alter my regular routine to accommodate the change. I was trying to do it all.

There are several situations in life that needed to be altered. How do I schedule my auditions, regular job, book launch, writing more stories, and still be able to interview/write/edit my podcasts?
I love doing my podcast, so let’s move that to the weekends.
Writing—I can do it early in the morning or do I move it to the evening? Will I be too tired to do it in the evening is my question? Creativity comes from quieting the mind. So how do I decide? I’m thinking of meditating before I write. I’m concerned that I’ll be too tired and just fall asleep. It’s happened and I don’t doubt it’ll happen again. It’s okay. One thing I’ve learned in life is don’t fight your body because, in the end, the body will win.

The pandemic is tapering off and my employer wants me in the office.

I believe the answer is I’m looking for balance because life is good.

So, what is being overwhelmed, excited, and balanced?

According to the GoodTherapy website, the definition of overwhelmed is emotional overwhelm is a state of being beset by intense emotion that is difficult to manage. It can affect your ability to think and act rationally. It could also prevent you from performing daily tasks.

Whereas excitement is an emotional state marked by enthusiasm, eagerness or anticipation, and general arousal (APA Dictionary)/

Is a harmonious relationship or equilibrium of opposing forces or contrasting elements.

Can we do it all? I believe you can make the most of these situations. First, ask yourself what is really important to you? What are you willing to let go of? Can you write out a pros and cons list for each situation? Quiet the mind. Do some meditation, go for a walk. Do something that brings you joy, right here, right now. Life changes and so can you. Let go of what no longer serves your life. Follow your dreams. We are resilient.

A reading of the poem “Vulnerable” from Inspire Me: Raw.

Until next time when I’ll have more questions. Many blessings.

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