Awakening Dreams – Intro

Awakening Dreams Season 4 Episode 1In this week’s episode and intro to season four, we’re going to discuss Awakening Dreams. The next book entitled, Inspire Me: In Time of Need, we changed the subtitled to Awakening Dreams. In Time of Need was a working title and since the pandemic has lessened, Awakening Dreams is a much better description of what many have experience.

There is a newly re-edited compilation book coming out this month. Includes the first two books in the Inspire Me series and then five poems from my upcoming book—Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams. The topic for this season is awakening dreams. What dreams and aspirations have you had which led you to a new way of thinking and living? Mine started with reading the book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”. After that, I became a self-help junkie and couldn’t read enough books on the subject. I also learned that reading them, even though they make you think about your beliefs and actions, the concepts need to be applied. Since then, I only read the books that pertaining to my development at this time. What I have learned and this is so cliché is that you need to live in the present. While worrying about the future and the past, we miss the present. Lao Tzu stated: “If you live in the past, you’re depressed. If you live in the future, you have anxiety. If you live in the present, you have peace.”

In all my soul searching, and that is what it is unless you apply the knowledge you’ve acquired. We need to reflect and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. When I stopped being defensive, which came from insecurity, I became accepting of what my beliefs and behaviors were and how many weren’t even mine. Allow yourself to feel, being grateful even when situations are challenging. And knowing you have value.

The poem for this week is Vulnerable from Inspire Me: Raw.

Call upon angels for clarity
Are they listening?
Meditate, feeling the joy
That enchants the heart

Meditate, letting go
Bliss surrounds me
Chill flows through my spine
Inspiration finds me

Energy flows through my fingers
Onto a notebook page
Close eyes and let life be
Unafraid to be exposed

Allowing myself to be
Love and consideration
How can this be hostile?
Vulnerable exposition

Cold sharpness, head to toe
Release, remove my mask
Golden light surrounds
Fulfills my existence

Many blessings

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull:

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