The Soul of Storytelling Charlie Sheldon

The Soul of StorytellingCharlie Sheldon went to Yale University and UMass, where he received a Masters Degree in Wildlife Biology/Resource Management. Charlie Sheldon is a Washington-based author of the trilogy Strong Heart, Adrift & the third book in the series Totem. (See below for links).

He worked in the fishing industry for 15 years as a deckhand, mate, skipper, and consultant, then relocated to the Pacific Northwest in 1990 to be near Olympic National Park.

He worked at seaports for nearly 30 years as a planner, project manager, and executive.

When he retired from seaports in 2012 he returned to sea as a merchant sailor for four years, working on various container and military vessels as Able Bodied Seaman and Bosun.

He retired in 2016 to work full time at his writing. Nowadays he hikes in the Olympic National Park whenever he can, cooks for his wife, pesters his grandchildren, and continues to scribble tales.

Listen to the  Poetic Resurrection Podcast and on this site 

Available on Amazon

Strong Heart:

