It’s been about a year and a half since I started the weekly Poetic Resurrection Podcast. I’ve met many beautiful and talented people. I’ve had several seasons.
The first season was about perceptions, which is what the Poetic Resurrection podcast is about. How we perceive thoughts and emotions to learn later in life might not have been our own.
Season two was about the theme of a Journey of the Soul, or, as others might call it, the higher self, the inner voice, universal knowledge, and inspiration. That inner voice teaches us our purpose and loves all, no matter our differences. It inspires, it’s tolerant, it’s accepting and appreciative.
Season three was Colors of Life. A look at how our differences can come together with acceptance and appreciation of our differences.
Season four is Awakening Dreams. The awakening of acceptance and how even the most difficult times can open up new opportunities to grow and live the life you can live. This is also the next title of my upcoming poetry book “Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams”.
Season five is up in the air. As of July 1st, Poetic Resurrection will be bi-monthly. It has been wonderful producing this podcast weekly but with two other podcasts: Chica & the Man (monthly) and soon to launch Overhead at Chica’s Café and working on acting projects it has become too much to produce, edit, and social media all the shows. Days to release will be on the second and fourth Monday of the month. So, in July it will be on the 11th and 25th.